
General Electric

GE appliances answer real-life needs, define trends, and simplify routines—All while being friendly to our environment. That philosophy was engrained in our pitch to GE: Using GE products saves power. This power equates to points that, in turn, can be put to use philanthropically. We called the idea “Human Power.” My role was to create a dashboard that allowed users to manage their Human Power points, and at the same time, see how much energy and money they are saving with their appliances.

GE Pitch GE Pitch GE Pitch

Part of the pitch concept also included the creation of a robust in-store app that leveraged augmented reality to help sales staff explain all of the great features of GE fridges.

We brought all these ideas and more to a redesigned online storefront. Picking out appliances should not be a mundane process of looking at spreadsheets of model specifications. After all, purchasing GE products saves you money, and more importantly, the environment.

GE Pitch GE Pitch
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